50 Inspirational Quotes From The Book – ‘Habits for Success’ By G. Brian Benson

Brian Benson - Habits for success quotes

This article is a collection of thought provoking and insightful quotes from the recently published (November 2017) book, ‘Habits for success: Inspired ideas to help you soar’ by G. Brian Benson that will inspire you to take steps toward transforming your life through self awareness, following your intuition, stepping out of your comfort zone, being mindful and cultivating other such powerful habits.

In the year 2008, Brian decided to quit his profitable family business and follow his dreams which meant coming out of his comfort zone, stepping into the unknown and allowing his intuition (inner wisdom) to guide him. Ever since, his life has been a journey of self discovery and personal growth which he shares through his many inspirational books, films, and presentations.

Today, Brian is an award winning author, radio personality, filmmaker, Ironman triathlete, cross-country bicyclist and coach whose mission in life is to wake up the world with conscious, thought- provoking media.

Brian is also a TEDx speaker, you can listen to his TEDx talk here.

Inspirational quotes from the book Habits for Success – Inspired Ideas to Help You Soar by G. Brian Benson

Quotes on trusting your intuition

“Intuition is the language of your soul.”

“Trusting my intuition has been the single most important thing that I’ve learned on my journey, second only to learning how to truly love and accept myself.”

When we listen to our intuition we are fed information from our higher self.

Habits for Success - G. Brian Benson Intuition Quote

“You know your intuition is speaking to you when you feel excited and inspired!”

“When your intuition speaks to you, you will feel confidence and clarity; when your ego speaks, it will present itself as uncertainty and fear.”

“Physical signs like anxiety and sickness can edge into your life because you are ignoring your intuitive signs that you need to change something.”

Learning how to trust your intuition and allowing it to guide you in life is priceless.

“It’s never too late to trust your inner guidance and honor your feelings.”

“The more you listen for and trust your intuition, the more you will begin to rely on it and let it guide you. That is when life really gets interesting!”

Read more: Struggling to make a decision? Follow your inner guidance.

Quotes on being yourself

Love yourself and everything else will fall into place.

“There is a huge weight that gets lifted off of our shoulders when we can sit comfortably in our own skin.”

Habits for Success - Be yourself - G. Brian Benson quote

“Be yourself to free yourself! You are amazing.”

“To ‘just be you’ is to trust that your desires, ideas, and thoughts are enough, and that you have nothing to prove or explain to anyone because of them.”

Once I realized that my set of tools, gifts, and experiences were my superpower, everything started to fall into place.

“Comparing yourself with others benefits no one.”

“Once I began to realize that there were no rules and that my path didn’t have to look like everyone else’s, I relaxed and my whole world opened up.”

“When we open ourselves up to other people’s stories, it has a way of making our own experiences richer and more valuable.”

Also read: 101 inspirational quotes on being yourself.

Quotes on getting out of your comfort zone

“Great things happen when we step out of our comfort zones and follow our heart.”

“When we challenge ourselves to accomplish something difficult, new gifts will be unveiled, you will be given the strength to continue on, and unbelievable things happen.”

Reframe your fear into excitement. It’s a way to view what you are doing in a positive light instead of a potential negative light.

Also read: 50 Quotes to Help You Overcome Fear.

Quotes on failure

“It’s okay to fail. In fact it’s recommended.”

“You grow and build strength through the process of failure.”

Without failure, we wouldn’t become the people that we are meant to become.

Quotes on being creative

When we create we are allowing a force greater than anything we ever thought possible to flow through us and express the Divine.

“Being creative can act as a form of meditation.”

“Get creative! You may just surprise yourself.”

“It is never too late to be creative.”

Quotes on the power of saying ‘No’

“Simply put, it’s an invaluable piece in your “tool bag” of mastering self-acceptance, happiness and well-being.”

Power of No quote by G. Brian Benson

“No – it’s the important little word with a giant impact!”

“If you can become adept at using ‘no’ in the right situations, it will be a major contributor in your ability to stay happy, healthy and grounded.”

“Saying yes to everything that comes along and constantly putting everyone else’s needs in front of our 107 own isn’t sustainable.”

Quotes on achieving balance in life

Focus on making things simpler. Simplifying life is the easiest way to find and maintain balance.

“When we are in balance we can make proactive choices instead of reactive choices. When we are in balance, that intuitive voice is much stronger.”

“Whenever we can take some time and step back, even if just for a few minutes, new pathways open for us, our mood changes, and we can regain our sense of balance.”

“Allow yourself a few minutes every day to relax and do some deep breathing. It will make all the difference and help keep you energized throughout your day.”

Also read: Inner body meditation for intense relaxation and healing.

Quotes on self awareness

“Awareness is the first step toward our personal freedom.”

G. Brian Benson - Know yourself quote from the book - Habits for Success

“Paying attention to your feelings is the best way to get to know yourself.”

It is imperative that we “feel” our feelings. When we start to feel feelings instead of pushing them away we begin to heal.

“When we are able to feel an emotion all of the way, it has no reason to hang around and will eventually begin to have less of an impact on us.”

“As you become more self-aware you can learn about what keeps you in balance and throws you out of balance, as well as begin to implement that knowledge and create better habits and truly live a balanced life.”

“I have found that self-awareness leads to self-love; the ultimate gift we can give ourselves.”

“By becoming aware of our limiting patterns, we can stop the same recurrences of pain from happening in the future.”

“Self-awareness allows us to truly take flight and move towards our goals and dreams.”

Other empowering quotes

Laughter is instant sunshine.

“Give yourself permission to get away! Go explore and see the world with new eyes and a wondrous spirit, and come back a different person.”

“By living in the moment, we can free ourselves from worry, guilt, fear, anger, resentment, and uncertainty.”

Brian Benson quote on being inspired from the book - Habits for Success

“Inspiration opens the door to our souls. Allow yourself to be inspired and watch your world open up.”

“Feel the beauty in silence and allow whatever is supposed to come up show itself.”

“Allow yourself moments each and every day to open up your heart and share love with yourself, a friend, someone you just met or your partner.”

Allowing ourselves to be complimented is another way to allow ourselves to be loved.

“Every single person has a story to tell. And our personal stories link us together through vulnerability, courage and love.”

“Forgiveness is the single hardest thing that keeps us from thriving and not just surviving. Forgive and free yourself.”

“It’s never too late to make something happen, you just need to have faith and trust the process.

“The full measure of our personal happiness is dictated by how much we offer of ourselves in helping others.”

“Letting go of control is just as important as taking control.”

“To laugh is to feel alive. To laugh with another is to be spiritually connected with them.”

“Try to look for and find humor in everything you do and everywhere you go.”

“By helping and looking out for one another, even in the simplest of ways, and showing an authentic kindness to each person we come across, our own personal journey is much more fulfilling and enjoyable.”

“‘Yes’ – is such a simple yet powerful word. It can transform lives, move mountains, and change the world.”

If you liked these quotes, you will love the book!

Check out the book on amazon here: Habits for Success – Inspired Ideas To Help You Soar!

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About the Author
Mukesh is the founder of Outofstress.com. He is a writer, author and meditation teacher. Having suffered from anxiety and depression for a good part of his adult life, he used meditation, attention training and self awareness to break free from these limiting mind patterns. You can learn more on his personal blog - ConsciousReset.com
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